Friday the 13th Game Wiki

The night has brought nothing but trouble at the Jarvis Residence. Kenny and Jenny will team up to go check an see just why the vacation house is DEAD quiet.




  • This challenge is a direct homage to Friday the 13th: Part 4's climax:
    • Jenny and Kenny fill the role of Trish Jarvis and Rob Dier respectively
    • The Road Block goal is likely a reference to Jason throwing a dead body on top of the car parked outside during the film.
    • Splinters is a reference to Jason's notable instances of bursting through doors and windows in part 4.
    • The hidden goal, HE'S KILLING ME, is named after the infamous line Rob Dier's character shouts as Jason brutalizes him, which you recreate in the game.
Single Player Challenges
1: Broken Down2: Power Struggle3: Lights Out4: Stargazing5: Packanack Party6: Snuggle by the Fire7: Strip Poker8: Escaping9 JASON IS HERE10: Vacation Party