Friday the 13th Game Wiki

This is the worn down Shack where Jason is said to have spent the majority of his Childhood living after he was suspected of being drowned.


Jason's Shack was first introduced in the films Friday the 13th Part 2 after the events of Friday the 13th Part 1, where Jason lived, it's unknown if he built the shed himself or found it, but what is known and shown that he originally used it to hide bodies and where he made a shrine for his deceased mother Pamela Voorhees.

In the Game, the Shack works as the spawn point for the Jason Voorhees which fills his Morph ability instantly at the start of every match.


A commonly short and banged up shed, made from and by metal scraps, green sheets, and a single window, with a single toilet that has the head of Pamela Voorhees and her Sweater, while also having the decayed corpse of Alice Hardy, laying right next to it.


Players will have access to Jason's Shack where they will find the head of Pamela Voorhees.

Players can also use this to have Jason Morph to his Shack and group attack him in the process.


The Shack is used for Obtaining Pamela Voorhees Sweater which gives Counselors a small chance to kill an Unmasked Jason Voorhees but they would need a female counselor to wear the Sweater and have already used the CB Radio to call in Tommy Jarvis who would inflict the killing blow to Jason.


  • The corpse laying in front of Pamela Shrine is said to be Alice Hardy the final girl from the original Friday the 13th film.
  • The reason that only the Female Counselors can use the sweater is because of Ginny's method of keeping Jason at bay because he would never hurt or not listen to his Mother.
  • In-game the shack does not have any other properties meaning that if Jason is within the shack it doesn't increase the activation of his Abilities or shortens the Cooldown or increases the Durance of the powers.
  • Roy Burns aka Part 5 Jason doesn't head back to the Shack due to the obvious fact he isn't Jason.

1st Locations[]

2nd Locations[]
