Friday the 13th Game Wiki

Jason Voorhees is the Serial Killer and the Antagonist of the Friday the 13th: The Game who hunts down and kills the Counselors who enter the camp. This version is based on his Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter movie appearance and he can be unlocked at Level 44.


Billed to be the end of the series, the final chapter delivers a thrilling resolution, if not an ending. Part IV is perhaps most notable for two things, the first being Crispin Glover. His dance to woo one of the twins is one of the most idiosyncratic and perplexing dances in all of Cinema. On a more important note, the final chapter introduced to canon the mask-obsessed Tommy Jarvis played by burgeoning star Corey Feldman. By ingenuity or madness, Tommy dresses up as a young boy-Jason in the final confrontation and delivers the mortal machete blows that would send Jason to his temporary grave.


Part 4 Jason has the same clothes as his Part 3 Jason appearance but is a little darker in tone, his shirt is now a Vintage Sears Work and Leisure Perma Prest Shirt in Hunter or Olive Green color, his boots are Heavily weathered Kodiak greb Boots, still wearing but now damaged and weathered silver-grey khaki pants, His skin is now a dirtier and a grayish-pink tone, the top triangle Chevron Decal on his mask is half removed along with the left and right side chevrons completely taking off the mask and there is a bloody slash wound across the upper right side of his mask, from the damaged caused by Chris Higgins, during their combat in the barn at Higgins Haven.

Unmasked: Part 4 Jason has his right brown eye nearly rolled behind his eye socket and is bloodshot red, but his blue eye is perfectly fine in place, but his axe wound is dried up with blood and if soaked in the rain it would look moist, his left ear is normal but his right side face appears skin-wrapped and his right ear is more deformed and lower as his lower jaw is broken appearing to be a hinged jaw with teeth rearranged, this deformed appearance is said to be inspired by his Part 1 appearance.


Part 4 Jason Voorhees wields his iconic Pig Splitter a weapon he used in his film Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter which is his primary weapon until reaching level 113 for the Weapon Swapping and comes with its own various weapon kills with the Weapon itself not being tied to the specific Jason that is selected, unlike with the exclusive Savini Jason which his Devil's Trident is specifically his only.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Shift: Part 4 Jason has the ability to Shift for a duration of 4 seconds and a cooldown of 40 seconds and its activation to be available in will take a minute and 29 seconds.
  • Morph: Part 4 Jason has the ability to Morph which its activation is instant once Jason spawns but will have a 30-second cooldown for each use after.
  • Sense: Part 4 Jason has the ability to Sense for a duration of 20 seconds and a cooldown of 15 seconds and its activation to be available will take 44 seconds.
  • Stalk: Part 4 Jason has the ability to Stalk for a duration of 20 seconds when moving but when standing still completely it takes 3 minutes and 20 seconds and a cooldown of 30 seconds and its activation to be available will take a minute and 40 seconds.
  • Rage: Part 4 Jason prior to the Pre-Rage Buff, can be affected by weapons, but Post-Buff is immune and can enable the player to easily walk through and break down Doors and Walls.
  • Weapon Strength: Part 4 Jason with this Strength, he is able to cause more damage to the Counselors, for quicker kills or grabs.
  • Destruction: Part 4 Jason has the passive ability of destruction which gives him the ability to break down doors in 3-hits when barricade and two times if unbarricaded.
  • Can Run: Part 4 Jason has the ability to run, his jogging speed is 5.4 mph.

Additionally his water speed is also 8 mph.


  • Water Speed: Part 4 Jason isn't suited to chase the Boat as this weakness slows his water speed.
  • Shift: Part 4 Jason has a shorter duration of his Shifting, the speed isn't eemingly affected.
  • Traps: Part 4 Jason has lesser traps so this means his Bear Traps are limited to only 3.


  • Part 4 Jason movie actor was Ted White.
  • Despite him having a massive axe wound and previous injuries that could kill an average man is still a human which gives him the ability to Run like Part 2 Jason and Part 3 Jason.
  • Ted white stated he wanted a more serious version of Jason for Part 4 and hence why his portrayal of Jason was so brutal and aggressive.
  • Joseph Zito the Director of Part 4 had said that Ted Whites Jason is Undead, despite the film showing otherwise of how Human he actually is.
  • In the Tommy Tapes he is known as "The Man" and "The Psychopath" as no one believed it was Jason Voorhees himself.
  • During a documentary before the actor who played Part 4 Jason, Ted White had passed away had commented and praised his fellow Jason actor Kane Hodder as quote "I said it once and I said it before, Kane, is the best to ever do it, he is the definitive Jason."
  • Ted White was 6 ft 4 when he played Jason in Friday the 13th Part 4 the Final Chapter.