Friday the 13th Game Wiki

Jason Voorhees is the Serial Killer and the Antagonist of the Friday the 13th: The Game who hunts down and kills the Counselors who enter the camp. This version is based on his Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday movie appearance and he can be unlocked at Level 31.


No doubt the most divisive entry in the franchise, Jason goes to Hell's decision to focus on the "possession" angle meant virtually no screen time for Jason himself. Still, the film had an array of brutal kills, a cool Jason design, and a demonic soundtrack created by Harry Manfredini. The other horror icon's cameo at the end was controversial, but it helped set the stage for a future movie showdown, and the Tom Savini designed Jason created exclusively for this game.


Jason wears a torn and charred blueish-greyish jumpsuit, and a pair of black boots. He still sports his signature hockey mask, though it is severely damaged, with chunks of it missing. It has also appeared to have melted to his face, he is severely hurt and his skin is greenish-grayish.


Double Bit Axe: This Jason wields a double-edged axe.

Powers and Abilities[]



  • Part 9 Jason is the 3rd time Kane Hodder has played Jason.
    • The other movies he played Jason were:Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood,Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan and Jason X.
  • "Jason Goes to Hell" Jason in the game lacks his possession powers from in the movie.
  • Part 9 Jason is also called IX Jason or JGTH Jason.
  • Jason Goes to Hell is one the reasons for the creation of Savini Jason origins after being dragged to hell.
  • Kane Hodder played a security guard in the morgue scene that has this character killed off-screen.
  • This is the 2nd time Jason's costume did not continue with the continuity and was totally different.
    • The First time the clothes didn't continue is from Part 8 Jason's film Jason Takes Manhattan.
      • FvJ Jason isn't added due to it not being within the Game but would be the 3rd time for the inconsistencies despite being continuations.
        • Adam Marcus made it clear that the Company (New Line Cinema) said to forget the Jason Takes Manhattan film and so took a continuation from part 7, which caused controversy with the fanbase.