Savini Jason is an exclusive reward for the backers that supported the game early on. Special/make-up effects guru Tom Savini created this Jason to reflect what Jason may have looked like after he returned from Hell.
Jason emerges from Hell clutching a pitchfork he pried from the hands of Lucifer himself. Savini's concept is a terrifying, unforgettable take on the king of slashers.
Jason is badly wounded, deep gashes cover his body, and his skin is burned beyond recognition.
He is also wearing his Part 9 clothing with the addition of a more torn up shirt, chains around his torso and a handcuff on his wrist after escaping from hell.
Savini's Jason Voorhees wields Lucifer's Trident as his signature weapon.
Powers and Abilities[]
Savini's Jason Voorhees just like all the other Jason's still has the primary abilities to use Shift, Morph, Sense, Stalk, and Rage.
- Tom Savini himself created this specific version of Jason Voorhees for the game backers with the help of Robbie Daymond.
- This is the only Jason to use a Trident as a weapon in the game.
- Kane Hodder also motion captured Savini Jason.
- Savini Jason is one of the most facially disfigured Jason's in the game followed by Part 9 Jason, Part 8 Jason, and Part 7 Jason.
- It's unknown how Savini Jason turned out like this, or even if he turned into a Demon.