Friday the 13th Game Wiki

Kay-Em is the character based on the same name from Jason X, where she was originally supposed to be a new hunter for the Grendel map, but due to the ongoing lawsuit, she was never released and is a leftover of the cut update.


Kay-Em or KM-14 was created by Thomas Zachary "Tsunaron" Peyton.

The team behind the Grendel project planned a exclusive hunter for the new map, it being Kay-Em. It was unknown if there was going to be swappable Hunters or she would be strictly for that map, but she was going to summoned to kill Jason, by an Activation Device that would function similar to the Radio.

Her model has been in the game files since around mid 2017 as well as various spark particles that would function as her blood particles and an entirely different bloodmask that upon closer look would look like the inside of a Robot.


Like Jason X, she is fully playable and has recorded audio and stats left in the files, and is usable by game modifications. Leftover audio shows that she was meant to act like an android as well, saying deadpan lines and showing no emotion when hurt or stating her lines. She would've also spawned with an entirely different gun called "The Gruntrifle" a space themed gun that appeared in the Jason X movie.
