Friday the 13th Game Wiki

Medical Spray or the First Aid Spray is used for and only by the counselors whenever they receive damage from Jason Voorhees,Bear Traps, and Broken Windows, or when another counselor is injured.

These type of inventory items can be found in dressers,bathrooms, and or on random locations at campsites around the various maps.


  • Using Hypochondriac gives a Player a starting medical spray and more healing effectiveness but makes them a Glass Cannon.
    • Using Thick Skinned Perk might counter some of the negative effects as it helps make counselors more tanky.
  • Medic can give a player 2-Sprays and combining both will make you a annoyance against Jason.


Canonically no one ever used a Medical Spray/First Aid Spray within the Franchise, only in the Game.
