Friday the 13th Game Wiki

Roy Burns is the father of Joey Burns and the main antagonist of the film Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (or Friday the 13th Part 5). He went berserk and insane with grief after the death of Joey and he went on a killing spree at Pinehurst, impersonating under the real Jason Voorhees to exact his bloody revenge on anyone he could find.


Not much is known about Roy and his background other than that he and an unknown woman conceived their son, Joey. Joey's mother abandoned him and he was going foster care to foster care until reaching Pinehurst, where he lived until a tragic event in 1989, which involved Joey and a patient, Victor, whom Joey had annoyed earlier. Victor was fueled by rage, murdered Joey.

While working as a paramedic, Roy and his partner, Duke, were called to the scene of the crime. When his son's corpse, torn apart by an axe, Roy is thrown into a state of anger and shock. Duke, unaware that Joey was Roy's son, makes dark and humorous jokes about the young teen.

During the later days of 1989, Roy went off on a killing spree around Pinehurst. The confusion about the fate of Jason's body caused many to believe that Jason Voorhees was back and killing again. After Roy killed the majority of the patients of Pinehurst, he went on a rampage, chasing Reggie and Pam into a barn, where he is confronted by Tommy Jarvis.. There was a brief scuffle before Tommy knocked Roy onto a bed of spikes, revealing that it was not Jason, but Roy.

Roy's only legacy was the fact he was the only person to ever impersonate Jason.


Roy Burns is a middle-aged Caucasian man who is slim build, unlike the real Jason who is bulky and muscular. He wears a Green tint boiler room overalls and dark brown boots.

Outside of the overalls Roy is shown to have worn a Paramedic outfit in the movies.


  • Roy Burns actor is Dick Wieand at the beginning and the climax, while scenes with the hockey Mask are portrayed by Tom Morga. The exception is Roy's death scene, with Wieand playing Roy.
  • Roy Burns shares an identical origin but different situations with Pamela Voorhees.
    • Both lost their sons.
    • Both went on a Killing Spree.
    • Both died trying to avenge their child who was unjustifiably taken from them.
      • Only difference is that Roy went after actual "Innocent" people who did no injustice to his son, and not going after Vic, where Pamela viewed any/all counselors as a threat to children.
  • Roy Burns unmasked in the game is the likeness of Dick Wiend.
  • Roy is the only known character in the entire Friday the 13th franchise to copycat Jason.
  • In the game he isn't referred to as Roy Burns whatsoever.
  • Roy is jokingly compared to Michael Myers, due to both wearing overalls, but there is no canon connection made.
  • Dick Wieand has confirmed in a interview that the coveralls are green.[1]
  • Despite Roy having no relation to the Voorhees, he can "communicate" with the spirit of Pamela in the game. Pamela will refer to Roy as Jason. It may be likely Pamela shares a kinship with Roy about losing a child.
  • Roy is aware of Jason's shack and it will be the starting point if Roy is selected.
  • Unlike Jason, Roy will not return to Jason's shack nor be congratulated by Pamela after finishing a killing spree. Roy will be seen walking down a pathway with streetlamps, likely proceeding towards civilization. Presumably Roy is going to resume his job as a paramedic now that his bloodlust is slaked.

