Friday the 13th Game Wiki

Jason's "Stalk" will give Jason a chance at sneaking up on unsuspecting prey. Upon activation, Jason will not only be able to mute his proximity music, but his ability to hear counselors will be intensified for a short duration.

Stalking helps with sneaking up on counselors especially when used in combination with shifting.


As all Jason's abilities are building pressure on the hunt for Counselors this ability strength is stealth and silence, this will help give Jason a major edge over counselors because now that his music is turned off and his entire presence is now hidden on a audible level, Jason players can easily wait outside a Cabin and grab a counselor, or outright chase them without them knowing.


A weakness of this ability is the reveal from Flare Gun that will pinpoint Jason's location for all to see on the In-Game Map.

Icon Jason Voorhees Activation Cooldown Duration
Stalk Ability Friday the 13th the Game
Part 2 Jason TBA TBA TBA
Stalk Ability Friday the 13th the Game
Part 3 Jason TBA TBA TBA
Stalk Ability Friday the 13th the Game
Part 4 Jason TBA TBA TBA
Stalk Ability Friday the 13th the Game
Part 5 Jason TBA TBA TBA
Stalk Ability Friday the 13th the Game
Part 6 Jason TBA TBA TBA
Stalk Ability Friday the 13th the Game
Part 7 Jason TBA TBA TBA
Stalk Ability Friday the 13th the Game
Part 8 Jason TBA TBA TBA
Stalk Ability Friday the 13th the Game
Part 9 Jason TBA TBA TBA