Tommy Tapes are a collectible that functions the same way as the Pamela Tapes, players will have a small chance to find one when opening a drawer in a random cabin. Tommy Tapes were written by Adam Green, the creator of the Hatchet franchise.
The child version of Tommy is voiced by voice actor Chris Niosi. [1]
- The Tommy tapes contain references to the horror IPs "A Nightmare On Elm Street", "Halloween", "Shocker", "Hatchet", and "Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon" and the movie "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial", and a nod to Green's dog, Arwen.
- The Tommy Tapes also shows just how traumatic the situation was for Tommy as no matter what, he was haunted by Jason.
- The Tommy Tapes are canon, where everything else is Unofficial.